Nuragic Art: so many mysteries!
Sardinia is an ancient island teems with art,archaelogy and misteries! Nuragic civilization arose and developed during Bronze Age untill Iron Age and it is one… Read More »Nuragic Art: so many mysteries!
Sardinia is an ancient island teems with art,archaelogy and misteries! Nuragic civilization arose and developed during Bronze Age untill Iron Age and it is one… Read More »Nuragic Art: so many mysteries!
After appreciating importance of cave art which has changed for ever the destiny of mankind and planet as well, now we start a long journey… Read More »Sumerian Art: fascination and mystery!
Have you ever asked yourself how to remove that tedious dust that accumulates undauted between one and the other painting session? I guess yes,everyone who… Read More »How to remove dust from oil paintings
In the first part of article about cave paintings we have seen that the first artist in history,or better prehistory, was Neanderthal man. In this… Read More »Cave Paintings: where it all began(part 2)
Nel fantastico ed effervescente mondo dell’arte moderna si fa a gara a chi crea qualcosa di “nuovo” che possa attirare l’attenzione di critici, galleristi, curatori,… Read More »Truffe d’arte: foto o dipinto?