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History of Design

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Design is the discipline that deals with creation of items both physical and digital as well as conceptual.The main goal of designer is to made objects functional and aestethics  to improve standar of living of mankind by meeting the needs, looking for solution to solve problems by suggest new ways of creation.It is not easy to determine the date of the birth of design ,some propose the first industrial revolution in eighteenth century that started in England,whereas others suggest  the date of Great Exposition in 1851 in London. In Germany  for the first time in history, design had the features of real discipline because of Bauhaus that developed from 1919 to 1925 during Weimar Republic. Even Italy contributed greatly to create and improve the sector of design mostly in furniture,in car sector and in fashion.

There are many fields in which design developed over the years and one of the most important is industrial product design from which was born packaging design that is art to create packaging for items on the market. This specif job requires several skills from a graphic advertising to a technical skills that will allows designer to create the best features for packaging! 

The first goal of packaging was to store the products as much as possible, then it increased the needs to differentiate the items to sell them on the market and to try to beat the competition increasingly fierce. We must wait untill 1800 to kick start packaging as we know nowaadays since is being built the first machine for the industrial production of glass and are made the first plastic material and the first corrugated cardboard. In 1869 is produced cellulose then in 1885 is made aluminum and in 1902 is created the first machine to produce glass bottled. From 1915 onwards are produced aluminium sheets for tubes and silver paper as well, and all materials that have revolutionized packaging desing up to our days.

There are many other fields in design and the most significant are: fashion design,car design,interior design,naval and nautional design,lighting design,communication design,graphic design,visual design,type design and web design. 

Fashion design is concerned with outfits and accessories as well as in the way of dressing generally speaking. Fashion designer has technical skill of drawing as well as in using programs and in study of project to make actually achievable his work. Car design is the branch of industrial design that deals with project and development of cars whereas naval and nautical design focuses on project of yatch and ships. This branch of design includes many aspects of design: interior design,external lines,illumination and ergonomy. On the other hand, Interior design includes planning of spaces and objects of common use in closed enviroments  like private house,commercial operation, receptive space or work environments. 

Another branch of industrial desing is communication design that comprises all those areas in which creation of contents is based on visual communicability while visual design deals with creation of graphic and multimedia products. The main aim of visual design is  communication through the image in order to divulge a messagge or information. Graphic design is a interdisciplinary branch of design that allows to create visual contents by using texts, images and colours in order to convey a message in the best possible way. Lastly webdesign includes the project and develop of website indeed webdesigner is the one who creates web pages as well as he is responsible for the technical operation of websites,for communication present in it,for graphical look and for user expierence.

Design has changed lives of  people by improving many aspects of it and creating new industries into the world of work. Design is present in each aspect of modern life and it can be assumed that its developed can only enhance during the time.

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