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How to avoid opaque areas/Part three

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Hey guys! In the previous articles i talked about opaque areas which can appear in oil paintings. It can be a issue really hard to solve sometimes!

When the first two solutions don’t work properly,you have no other choice,you must use retouching varnish! What is that?

Well,it is a light varnish that can be use like a “provisional varnish” for oil paintings.

Believe me guys,this will be the final solution to erase those annoying opaque areas  on the surface of the painting!

When you spread the retouching varnish,you not only will remove opaque areas but also you will uniform the painting and bring back tonality of colours to their original brightness,as if colours just came out from the tube! After having spread retouching varnish on painting, you must wait at least two days before you can take up the work and complete it! 

After that,you will notice that it will be easier to paint on varnish.I recommend you just one coat of varnish,it will be enough! This varnish will be like an adhesive between different layers of painting and it will makes paint resistant as a tree root!

You can see some examples of retouching varnish in the photos below:




These are two of the best brands in the world but the final choise is yours.

Hoping that this article can be useful as many people as possible,i wish you good art and see you at the next post!

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