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LIQUIN Brothers…what a family!

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Hey y’all ,i had concluded my first article anticipating what topic would be in the next and since i told about powers of magic Liquin Original,the time has come to talk about its family members! Where to start? Oh yes, let’s start with Liquin LightGel,younger brother of Liquin Original which has similar features,but with some differences that makes it unique and inimitable.

Liquin LightGel

The first difference between two brothers is that LightGel appears to be clearer and more trasparent compared to Liquin Original; the second is that its drying time is slightly slower. Is that all? No way! They’re both impressive for glazing,but LightGel has features that make it even more perfect to glaze oil paintings…why? We’ll see about that. Alkid resin that makes up Liquin LightGel  is more compact and slightly firmer compared to older brother(Original) making it just perfect to stop and to control oil colours that won’t drip tediously on the painting. So LightGel is synonym of perfect glazes with greater simplicity of technique compared to others medium on the art market. Other than that has the same features that can boast Liquin Original which you can see in my first article “Liquin…the magic medium”. In the photo below you can see Liquin LightGel in the size from 75 ml ( you can find it even in the size from 250 ml and 500 ml)

Liquin FineDetail

Well,after talking about Liquin LightGel ,we can know another youger brother of Liquin Original,which is Liquin FineDetail! Let’s start saying that even this kind of Liquin has the same qualities of Original brother but ,as you can guess, there are some important differences that now we’ll review. At first sight you may notice a dark and cloudy appearance compared to its brothers,as well as denser and viscous. How come? Because Liquin FineDetail has been designed to provide a quick drying modern medium that would help artists to paint finer and intricate details with perfect control of colours.Do you wish to paint hyperrealist paintings? Then you must choose Liquin FineDetail! Did you always dream to paint a smooth painting without signs of brushstroke as Flemish painters did? So,you can’t miss Liquin FineDetail! It will be your best ally,without doubt! Imagine Liquin FineDetail as modern version of traditional Flemish and Venetian medium resin-based and amber-based,with the difference of longer drying time compared to magic Liquin FineDetail.Below you can see it in size from 75 ml(of course there are even size from 250 ml and 500 ml)

Liquin Oleopasto and Liquin Impasto

Well, now i can introduce you the last two components of the family,namely the twins Liquin Oleopasto and Liquin Impasto. Twins similar but not quite the same,since there are some little differences that make them both useful but in different ways. Firstly i introduce them to you with this photo below:

They’re nice,aren’t they? Yes let’s say they really look alike,they’re seem quite the same,but actually they are not . Let’s start saying that Oleopasto came first of its twin. Both are medium useful to paint artworks with density…as impasto indeed!Both guarantee a great elasticity of colour that will not be subject to crack even if you use it so thick to look like a bas-relief! Both are gel dense,shiny,non-yellowing and fast drying like the other members of Liquin family. So what make them different?Easy…the consistence! Yeah, you got it right,the consistence of the two gels is different and it can be used for different purposes. The older brother(Liquin Oleopasto) is a gel more unstable and filamentous compared to its twin( Impasto ) that has a consistence more stable and firm. Actually Liquin Impasto was born to improve alkyd resin of Oleopasto. This last is characterized by a strong and pungent odor as well as a slippery and stringy  impasto. I would suggest Liquin Oleopasto to those who love material experiments not so perfect,whereas Liquin Impasto is best suited      for material paintings more detailed and accurate. Do you want to paint like van Gogh? So you should try Liquin Impasto! Do you want to experiment a material paint instinctive and personal? So you should try Liquin Oleopasto! Either way they won’t let you down both use with brushes or palette knifes…that’s up to you.

Oh, before i forget i’d like to recall that you can find  Liquin Oleopasto and Impasto  in the size from 60 ml and 200 ml.

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